Nakakita Yakuhin provides products other than drugs: medical equipment, hygiene products, cosmetics, and health foods. As a wholesaler, providing information about the products to medical institutions is one of our important roles.
The Drug Information Department of Nakakita Yakuhin collects and manages general information, delivers it to concerned persons (inside and outside the company), and provides internal and external education.
★ Management of drug information
(support of and collaboration with our supervising pharmacists)
★ Education
(for supervising pharmacists, marketing specialists, medical representatives, and new recruits)
★ Drug Information (DI) services
・Collection and provision of medical-product information
・Creating drug-information documents
・Responding to inquiries from customers and staff
★ Running a workshop for pharmacist associations and customers
(e.g., hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies)
★ Management of Good Vigilance Practice